मंगलवार, 2 जून 2009

Comparative Study Between Islam And Hinduism Part -2

7. Rigveda

The most oldest and sacred amongst all the Vedas is Rigveda.

a) Rigveda, Book No.1, Hymn No. 164, Verse 46

It is mentioned in Rigveda Book no.1, Hymn no.164 Verse 46

“Sages (learned Priest) call one God by many names”

“They have styled (Him, God or the sun) indra (the resplendent), mitra (the surveyor), varuna (the venerable), agni (the adorable), and he is the celestial, well-winged garutmat (the great), for learned priests call one by many names as they speak of the adorable as yama (ordainer) and matarisvan (cosmic breath)”.

b) (i) Rigveda, Book 2, Hymn 1

Rigveda gives no less than 33 different attributes to Almighty God several of these attributes are mentioned in Rigveda, Book 2, Hymn 1

b) (ii) Brahma - Creator - Khaliq, Rigveda Book 2, Hymn 1, Verse 3

Amongst the various attributes given in Rigveda one of the beautiful attributes for Almighty God is ‘Brahma’. ‘Brahma’ means ‘the creator’. If you translate into Arabic it means ‘Khaliq’. We Muslims have got no objection if you call Almighty God a ‘Khaliq’ or ‘Creator’ or ‘Brahma’ but if someone says that ‘Brahma’ is Almighty God who has got 4 heads and on each head is a crown and he has got 4 hands. We Muslims take strong except to it because you are giving an image to Almighty God. Moreover you are going against Yajurveda, Chapter 32, Verse 3, which says,

Na tasya pratima asti” ‘”There is no image of him”

b) (iii) Vishnu - Sustainer - Rabb: Rigveda, Book II, Hymn 1, Verse3

Another beautiful attribute mentioned in the Rigveda, Book II, Hymn 1, Verse 3, is Vishnu, ‘Vishnu’ means ‘the Sustainer’. If you translate into Arabic it means ‘Rabb’, we Muslims have no objection if anyone call Almighty God as ‘Rabb’ or ‘Sustainer’ or ‘Vishnu’ but if someone says Vishnu is Almighty God who has got 4 arms. One of the right arm holding the ‘Chakra’ i.e. a discus and one of the left arms holding a ‘Conch shell’ and he is riding on a bird or reclining on a snake couch. We Muslims take strong exception to this, because you are giving an image to Almighty God. Moreover you are going against Yajurveda, Chapter 40, Verse 8.

c) Rigveda, Book 8, Hymn 1, Verse 1

It is mentioned in Rigveda, Book 8, Hymn 1, Verse 1

Ma Chidanyadia Shansata

“Do not worship anybody but Him, the divine one Praise Him alone”

Ma cid anyad vi sansata sakhayo ma rishanyata in dram it stota vrishanam saca sute muhaur uktha ca sansata”.

“O friends, do not worship anybody but Him, the divine one. Let no grief perturb you. Praise Him alone, the radiant, the showerer of benefits. During the course of self-realization, go on repeatedly uttering Hymns in His honour”.

(Rigveda Samhiti, Volume IX, page 1 and 2 by Swami Satyaprakash Sarasvati and Satyakam Vidhya Lankar)

d) (i)Rigveda, Book 5, Hymn 81, Verse 1

It is mentioned in Rigveda, Book 5, Hymn 81, Verse 1,

“Verily great is the glory of the divine creator”

(Rigveda Samhiti, Volume 6, page 1802 and 1803 by Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidhyalanka)

d) (ii) Surah Fateha, Chapter 1, Verse 2

Similar message is given in the Holy Qur’an In Surah Fateha, Chapter 1, Verse 2,

“Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds”.

e) (i) Rigveda, Book 3, Hymn 34, Verse 1

It is mentioned in Rigveda, Book 3, Hymn 34, Verse 1

“The bounteous giver”

(Hymns of Rigveda, Volume 2, page 377, by Ralph T.H. Griffith)

e) (ii) Surah Fateha, Chapter 1, Verse 3

Same as Surah Fateha, Chapter 1, Verse 3, “Most Gracious, most merciful”

f) (i) Yajurveda, Chapter 40, Verse 160

It is mentioned in Yajurveda, Chapter 40, Verse 16

“Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and wonder”

“By goodly path lead us to riches, Agni, thou God who knowest all our works and wisdom. Remove the sin that makes us astray and wander: most ample adoration will we bring thee”

(The Yajurveda Samhiti by Ralph T.H Griffith Page 541)

f) (ii) Surah Fateha, Chapter 1, Verse 6 and 7

Similar message is given in Surah Fateha, Chapter 1, Verse 6 and 7

“Show us the straight way, the way of those on whom thou has bestowed thy grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath. And who go not astray”.

g) Rigveda, Book No VI, Hymn 45, Verse 16

It is mentioned in Rigveda, Book VI, Hymn 45, Verse 16

Ya eka ittamushtuhi

“Praize Him who is the matchless and alone.”

(Hymns of Rigveda by Ralph T.H. Griffith page 648)

8. Brahma Sutra of Hindu Vedanta

The Brahma Sutra of Hindu Vedanta is:

Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste nen na naste kinchan

Bhagwan ek hi hai dusara nahi hai, nahi hain nahi hai zara bhi nahi hai.”

“There is only one God, not the second, not at all, not in the least bit.”

Therefore only if you read the Hindu Scripture will you understand the correct concept of God in Hinduism.

II B Angels

1. Angels in Islam

Angels are creation of Allah (SWT) which are normally unseen and has been created from light. They do not have their own free will and always obey the commandments of Almighty Allah. Different angels have been appointed by Almighty Allah for different activity e.g. Arch Angel Gabriel (Jibreel) was appointed to bring the Revelation of Allah (SWT) to the prophets.

2. Angels in Hinduism

There is no concept of Angels in Hinduism. However there are certain super beings which perform acts which cannot be done by a normal human being. These too are worshipped as deities by some Hindus.

II C (ii) Books of Hinduism


There are two kinds of sacred writings in Hinduism Sruti and Smrti. Sruti means that which has been heard perceived understood or revealed. It is the oldest and the most sacred of the Hindu’s scriptures. The Sruti is divided into two main parts. The Vedas and the Upanishads and are considered to be of divine origin.

Smrti is not as sacred as the Sruti, but it is yet considered to be important and is popular with the Hindus today. Smrti means memory or remembered. This Hindu literature is easier to understand because it speaks about the truths of the uniVerse through symbolism and mythology. The Smrti are not considered to be of divine origin but are human composition which regulate and guide individuals in their daily conduct and lists rules governing the actions of the individual, the community and the society. They are also known as Dharma Shastra Smrtis consists of many writings including the Puranas and Itihas.

II Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hindu Scriptures


There are several Holy Scriptures of the Hindus among them are the Vedas, Upanishads & the Puranas.

a) (i)Vedas: It is derived from ‘Vid’, to know, means knowledge par excellence, sacred wisdom. There are 4 principal divisions of the Vedas (Although according to their number, they amount to 1131 out of which about a dozen are available. According to Maha Bhashya of Patanjali there are 21 branches of Rigveda, 9 types of Atharvaveda, 101 branches of Yajurveda and 1000 of Samveda)

(ii) The Rigveda, the Yajurveda and Samveda are considered to be more ancient books and are known as ‘Trai Viddya’ or the ‘Tripple Sciences’. The Rigveda is the oldest and has been compiled in 3 long and different periods of time. The 4th Veda is the Atharvaveda which is of a later date.

(iii) There is no unanimous opinion regarding the date of compilation or revelation of the 4 Vedas. According to Swami Dayanand, who is the founder of the Arya Samaj, the Vedas were revealed 1310 millions of years ago and according to other scholars they are not more than 4000 years old.

(iv) Similarly there is a difference of opinion regarding the places where these books were revealed and the Rishis to whom these Scriptures were given. Inspite of these differences the Vedas are the most authentic of the Hindu Scriptures and the real foundations of the Hindu Dharma.


(i) The word Upanishads is derived from ‘Upa’ meaning near, ‘ni’ which means down and ‘shad’ means to sit, therefore Upanishads means sitting down near groups of pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrines.

According to Samkara Upanishad is derived from the root word ‘Sad’ which means ‘to loosen’, ‘to reach’ or ‘to destroy’, with ‘Upa’ and ‘ni’ as prefix, therefore Upanishad means Brahma-knowledge by which ignorance is loosened or destroyed.

(ii) The number of Upanishads exceeds 200 though the Indian tradition puts it at 108. There are 10 principal Upanishads however some consider them to be more than 10, while other 18.

(iii) The Vedanta meant originally the Upanishads, though the word is now used for the system of philosophy based on the Upanishad. Literally, Vedanta means the end of the Veda, Vedasya-antah, the conclusion as well as the goal of Vedas. The Upanishads are the concluding portion of the Vedas and chronologically they come at the end of the Vedic period.

(iv) Some Pandits consider the Upanishad to be more superior to the Vedas.

c) Puranas

Next in order of authenticity are the Puranas which are the most widely read scriptures. The Purana contains the history of the creation of the uniVerse, history of the early Aryan tribes and life stones of the devines and deities of the Hindus. The Puranas are revealed books like the Vedas which were revealed simultaneously with the Vedas or somewhere close to it.

Maharishi Vyasa has divided the Puranas into 18 voluminous parts. He also arranged the Vedas under various heads. The Gita and Mahabharata were productions of his masterly pen.

Chief among the Puranas is a book known as Bhavishya Purana. It is called so because it gives an account of future event. The Hindus consider it to be the word of God. Maharishi Vyasa was just the compiler of the book. The real author being God himself.

Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized in Bhavishya Purana

According to Bhavishya Purana in the Prati Sarag, Parv III, Khand 3, Aday 3, Shaloka 5 to 8

“A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Maha Dev Arab (of angelic disposition) a both in the ‘Panchgavya’ and the Ganges water (i.e. purging him of all time) offered him the presents of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, “I make obeisance to thee, ‘Oye! The pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents.”

The Prophecy clearly states:

(i) The name of the Prophet as Muhammad

(ii) He will belong to Arabia. The Sanskrit word ‘Marusthal’ means a sandy track of land or a desert.

(iii) Special mention is made of the companions of the Prophet i.e. the Sahabas. No other Prophet had as many companions as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

(iv) He is referred as the pride of mankind (Parbatis nath). The Holy Qur’an reconfirms this in Surah Al-Qalam, Chapter 68, Verse 4

“And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character” and in Surah Al-Ahzab Chapter 33, Verse 21

“Ye have indeed in the messenger of Allah, a beautiful pattern (of conduct)”

(v) He will kill the devil i.e. abolish idol worship and all sorts of vices.

(vi) The Prophet will be given the protection against his enemy.

Some people may argue that Raja Bhoj mentioned in the prophecy lived in the 11th century CE 500 years after the advent of Prophet Muhammad and was the descendant in the 10th generation of Raja Shalivahan. These people fail to realize that there was not only one Raja of the name Bhoj. The Egyptian Monarchs were called as Pharaoh and the Roman kings were known as Caesar’s, similarly the Indian Rajas were given the tittle of Bhoj. There were several Raja Bhoj who came before the one in 11th Century CE.

The Prophet did not physically take a bath in Panchgavya and the water of Ganges. Since the water of Ganges is considered holy, taking bath in the Ganges is an idem meaning washing away or making immune from all sorts of sins. Here the prophecy implies that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sinless i.e. ‘Maasoom’.

3. Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized in Bhavishya Purana

According to Bhavishya Purana in the Pratisarag, Parv III, Khand 3, Shloka 10 to 27 Maharishi Vyas has prophesized.

“The Malechha have spoiled the well known land of the Arabs. Arya Dharma is not to be found in the country. Before also there appeared a misguided friend whom I had killed; he has now again appeared being sent by a powerful enemy. To show these enemies the right path and to give them guidance the well-known Mohamad (Muhammad), who has been given by me the epithet of Brahma, is busy in bringing the ‘Pishachas’ to the right path. O Raja, you need not go to the land of the foolish Pishachas, you will be purified through my kindness even where you are at night, he of the angelic disposition, the shrewd man, in the guise of a Pischacha said to Raja Bhoj, O Raja! Your Arya Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but according to the commandment of Ishwar Parmatma, I shall enforce the strong need of the meat eaters. My follower will be a man circumcised, without a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution announcing Adhan (call for prayer) and will be eating all lawful things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine. They will not seek purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified through warfare. On account of their fighting the irreligious nations, they will be known as ‘Musalmans’. I shall be the originator of the religion of the meat-eating nation”

The Prophecy states that:

(i) The evil doers have corrupted the Arab land.

(ii) Arya Dharma is not found in that land.

(iii) The present enemies will be destroyed just as the previous enemies like Abraha had perished. Qur’an speaks about these sort of previous enemies in Surah Al-Feel, Chapter No. 105, Verse No. 1 to 5.

“Seest thou not how thy word dealt with the companions of the elephant? Did we not make their treacherous plan go astray? And He sent against them flights of Birds sticking them with stones of baked day then did He make them like an empty field of stalk and straw, (of which the corn) has been eaten up”.

(iv) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been given the title Brahma to guide the opponents of truth.

(v) The Indian Raja need not go to Arab land since his purification will take place in India after the Musalman will arrive in India.

(vi) The coming Prophet will atlest the truth of the Aryan faith i.e. Monotheism and will reform the misguided people.

(vii) The Prophets followers will be circumcised without a tail on the head being a beard and will create a great revolution.

(viii)Will announce the Adhan i.e. ‘call for prayer’.

(ix) He will only eat lawful things and animals but will not eat pork. Qur’an confirms this is no less than 4 different places.

In Surah Al-Baqarah, Chapter 2, Verse 173

In Surah Al-Maidah, Chapter 5, Verse 3

In Surah Al-Anam, Chapter 6, Verse 145

In Surah Al-Nahl, Chapter 16, Verse 115

“Forbidden for you for food are dead meat, blood, flesh of swine, and that on which had been invoked the name of other than Allah”.

(x) They will not purify with grass like the Hindus but by means of sword they will fight their irreligious people.

(xi) They will be called as Musalman.

(xii) They will be a meat eating nation.

Qur’an confirms the eating of herbivorous animals in,

Surah Maidah, Chapter 5, Verse No. 1 &

Surah Moominoon, Chapter 23, Verse No. 21


According to Bhavishya Purana, Parv III, Khand 1, Aday 3, Shloka 21-23,

Corruption and persecution are in seven sacred cities of Kashi etc. India is inhabited by Rakshas, Shabar, Bhil and other foolish people. In the land of ‘Malechhas’, the followers of the ‘Malechha dharma’ (Islam) are wise and brave people. All good qualities are found in Musalmans and all sorts of vices have accumulated in the land of the Aryas. Islam will rule in India and its islands. Having known these facts O Muni, glorify the name of thy Lord”.

Qur’an conforms this in,

Surah Taukah, Chapter 9, Verse 33 &

Surah Al-Saf, Chapter 61, Verse 9,

“It is the who hath sort His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the pagan may detect (it)” and a similar message is given in, Surah Fatah Chapter 48, Verse 28,

Ending with ‘And enough is Allah as a witness’.

4. Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized in Bhavishya Purana

In the 20th Book of Atharvaveda, Hymn 127. Some Suktas (Chapters) are known as Kuntap Sukt. Kuntap means the consumer of misery and troubles. Thus meaning the message of peace and safety and if translated in Arabic means Islam.

Kuntap also means hidden glands in the abdomen. These mantras are called so probably because their true meaning was hidden and was to be revealed in future. Its hidden meaning is also connected with the navel or the middle point of this earth. Mecca is called the ‘Ummul Qur’an’ the mother of the towns or the naval of the earth in many revealed books it was the first house of divine worship where God Almighty gave spiritual nourishment to the world. The Holy Qur’an says in Surah Ale-Imran, Chapter 3, Verse 95.

“The first house (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka (Mecca) full of blessings and of guidance and for all kinds of beings”.

Another name for Mecca is ‘Becca’. Thus Kuntap stands for Mecca or Becca.

Several people have translated these Kuntap Suktas like M. Blomfield, Prof. Ralph Griffith, Pandith Rajaram, Pandit Khem Karan, etc.

The main points mentioned in the Kuntap Suktas that is Atharvaved, Book XX, Hymn 127, Verses 1-13 are:

Mantra 1:

He is narashansah or the praised one (Muhammad).

He is Kaurama the prince of peace or the emigrant, who is safe, even amongst a host of 60,090 enemies.

Mantra 2:

He is a camel-riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the heaven.

Mantra 3:

He is Mamah Rishi who is given a hundred gold coins, ten chaklets (necklaces), three hundred good steeds and ten thousand cows.

Mantra 4:

Vachyesv rebh, ’Oh! ye who glorifies’

Mantra 5:

The praying ones with their prayers hurry on like powerful bulls.

Mantra 6:

O you who praises hold fast the wisdom which earns cows and good things. Disseminate this among the divine.

Mantra 7:

He is the king of the worlds, the best of men and guide for the entire mankind.

Mantra 8-9:

He has procured a secure dwelling for the people, gives protection to every body and has spread peace in the world.

Mantra 10:

People thrive happily end prosper under his rule and from the depth of degradation they rise to the height of glory.

Mantra 11:

He is asked to wake up and warn the world.

Mantra 12:

He is extremely bountiful and very generous.

Mantra 13:

(His followers) have been saved from the hostility and robbery of the enemy and May the Master not be harmed.

Mantra 14:

We Glorify and praise the great hero with a song of praise and a prayer. Please accept this praise so that evil may not befall us.

(i) The Sanskrit word ‘Narashansah’ means ‘the praised one’ which is the literal translation of the Arabic word Muhammad (pbuh).

The Sanskrit word ‘Kaurama’ means ‘one who spreads and promotes peace’ the holy Prophet was the ‘Prince of Peace’ and he preached equality of human kind and universal brotherhood. ‘Kaurama’ also means an emigrant. The Prophet migrated from Mecca to Medina and was thus also an Emigrant. He will be protected from 60,090 enemies which was the population of Mecca.

(ii)The Prophet would ride a camel, this clearly indicates that, it cannot be an Indian Rishi since it is forbidden for a Brahman to ride a camel, sacred Books of the east, Volume 25, Laws of Manu page 472 according to Manu Smriti, Chapter 11, Verse 202.

“A Brahman is prohibited from riding a camel or an ass and to bath naked. He should purify himself by suppressing his breath”.

(iii) (a) This Mantra gave the Rishis name as Mamah. No rishi in India or any other Prophet had this name ‘Mamah’ is derived from ‘Mah’ which means to esteem highly, on a revere, to exalt, etc. Some Sanskrit books give the Prophets name as ‘Mahamad’, but this word according to Sanskrit grammar can also be used in the bad sense. It is incorrect to apply grammar to an Arabic word. Actually Mamah has the some meaning and somewhat similar pronunciation as the word Muhammad (pbuh).

(b) He is given 100 gold coins, which refers to the believers and the earlier companions of the Prophet during his turbulent Meccan life. Later on due to persecution they migrated from Mecca to Abyssinia later when Prophet migrated to Madina all of them joined him in Madinah.

(c) The 10 chaplets or necklaces were the 10 best companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) known as ‘Ashra – Mubbashshira’ (10 bestowed with good news). These were fore told in this world of their salvation in the hereafter i.e. they were given the good news of entering paradise by Prophets own lips and after naming each one he said (in Paradise). They were Abu Baker, Umer, Uthman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Abdur Rahman Ibni Auf, Sad Bin Abi Waqqar, Sad Bin Zaid and Abu Ubeidah (May God be well-pleased with them).

(d) The third gift was 300 good steeds. These horses belonged to the Arab breed. The Sanskrit word ‘Arvah’ means swift Arab horse, The 300 steeds refers to the 300 companions of the Holy Prophet who fought at the battle of Badar and came back victorious even though the enemies were thrice the number.

(e) The Sankrit word ‘Go’ is derived from ‘Gaw’ which means ‘to go to war’. A cow is also called ‘Go’ and is a symbol of war as well as peace, the 10,000 cows refers to the 10,000 companious of who accompanied the Prophet (Pubh) when he entered Mecca during Fateh Mecca which was a unique victory in the history of mankind in which there was no blood shed. The 10,000 companions were pious and compassionate like a cow and were at the same time strong and fierce and are described in the Holy Qur’an in Surah Fatah, Chapter 48, Verse 29,

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are strong against unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other”.

(iv) This mantra calls the Prophet as ‘Rebh’ which means one who praises which when translated into Arabic is Ahmed which is another name for the Holy Prophet (pbuh).

(v) He and his followers are always mindful of their prayers even in the battlefield. The Holy Qur’an says in Surah Baqarah, Chapter 2, Verse 45,

“Nay, seek (Allah’s) help with patience, perseverance and prayer”

The Holy Qur’an says in Surah Nisa, Chapter 4, Verse 102,

“When thou (O Messenger) act with them, and standest to lead them in prayer, Let one party of them stand up (in prayer) with thee, taking their arms with them. When they finish their prostations, let them take their position in the rear. And let the other party come up which hath not yet prayed and let them pray with thee, taking all precautions, and bearing arms.”

(vi) The wisdom mentioned in this mantra refer to the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an earns good not only in this world but also in the here after. The Prophet (pbuh) is asked to propagate amongst his companions. Many of whom memorized the Qur’an.

(vii) All the attributes in this mantra apply to the Holy Prophet (pbuh)

In Surah Al-Anbiya, Chapter 21, Verse 107

“We sent thee not, but as a mercy for all creatures”

In Surah Saba, Chapter 34, Verse 28

“We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not.”

In Surah Al-Qalam, Chapter 68, Verse 4

“And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character.”

In Surah Al-Ahzab, Chapter 33, Verse 21

“We have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct)”.

(viii)& (ix) During the reconstruction of Kaaba, the Prophet (pbuh) Through his wisdom prevented a war between the Arab tribe. The Prophet not only gave peace to the Arab land but also to the whole world. Even during the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet established peace without shedding a single drop of blood. He gave peace, shelter to the bitterest enemies and let them go by saying, “There shall be no reproof against you this day.”

(x) The Arabs were the most ignorant people 1400 years ago and it was referred to as ‘Youmul Jahiliya’. The Prophet with his message brought prosperity and raised these ignorant people and made them the torchbearers.

(xi) This Mantra gives the translation of the Holy Qur’an Surah Al-Mudaththir, Chapter 74, Verses 1-3

“O thou wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise and deliver thy warning!

And thy Lord do thou magnify!” The Prophet arose and warned the people and glorified the Lord.

(xii) The Holy Qur’an says in Surah Ale-Imran, Chapter 3, Verse 159

“It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou don’t deal gently with them.

Wert thou severe or harsh hearted, They would have broken away from about thee.”

It was due to the Prophets (pbuh) kind-heartedness; mercy and generosity that people flocked around him otherwise the stubborn Arabs could never have been won.

(xiii) This Mantra is a prayer of the Rishi for the Prophet (pbuh) a similar prayer is found in the last Chapter of the Holy Qur’an i.e. Surah Nas, Chapter 114, Verses 1-3.

“Say, I seek refuge with Lord and Cherisher of mankind, The King (or Ruler) of mankind, the God (or Judge) of mankind from the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper) - (the same) who whispers into the hearts of mankind – Among Jinns and among Men.”

(xiv) In this last Mantra, the Rishi of the Veda makes it compulsory for the followers of the Veda to praise the Holy Prophet (pbuh) land follow him so that they will be saved from the evil of this world.


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